Thursday, April 19, 2012

8 days in Germany

We are spending 10 days in Germany. We are coming to Colonge. Planning 8 days traveling by car.We%26#39;d appreciate any advice.


What kind of advice are you looking for? Hotel recommendations? Entertainment? Local public transport? Sightseeing? Best routes for you to drive?

Please give more specific information. Your post is too broad.


I will give you the same advice that I give to other tourists visiting Germany. Germany is full of interesting things to see and do, and you can%26#39;t go too wrong whatever you decide to do. Get yourself some good books (library) on Germany with lots of pictures and see what interests you, and also a good German map so that you know where the places are. Then select a route where you will see the things that most interested you, and fill in with other nearby attractions. Also, don%26#39;t try to do too much, relax and enjoy yourselves. I always thnk it is nice to vary the things you see and do (e.g. see castles, palaces, churches, monasteries, walled cities, old town centers, museums, vineyards, scenery, some modern things, etc.). I find that the nicest and most enjoyable places are the ones that you stumble upon by accident, so don%26#39;t over structure your trip, and it%26#39;s pleasant to be in a beer garden or an outdoor cafe watching the world walk by.

Another thing to consider is the time of your trip. There are many interesting events such as Allemannic carnival, beer or wine festivals, relgious and music festivals, sausage festivals, etc.). Some of these may be worth a visit by themselves.

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