Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cologne for the young

My nephew and his friend (both are 19 and neither speaks much German) are planning a 3-day holiday in and around Cologne. They have asked my advice--but I don%26#39;t know Cologne! Any hostels or budget hotels to recommend? Things to do in bad weather? Parts of the city to avoid? Thanks in advance for your response.


Try this link :…index.htm

Bad weather should not be a problem in Cologne : there are a lot of mueseums and pubs.


You will find plenty of entertainment (clubs, pubs and so on). There are also lots of music festivals (especially electronic music) around summer time.

I guess a good starting point would be the %26#39;Suedstadt%26#39; - the part of town where many students hang out.

People in that area are very opend minded - get yourself a few Koelsch (beer from Cologne), relaxe and just go ahead and ask around where to go. It is a fun town to go out...


Thank you, Molineros and Twistersibo. You have been a great help.

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