Friday, March 30, 2012

Frankfurt Airport - VAT Offices ?

I could not find any information on the FRA website [] about VAT office locations and hours, so I sent an E-mail. Reply was that there was no information on the website and to contact - so I have done so.

Can any of you help answer the question ?


In my over a year old tax free Shopping Guide Stuttgart they state:

Welcome to Germany, the Shopper%26#39;s Paradise.

You will love all the international luxury articles and top-quality products. And - as a tourist from outside the European Union, you can save up to 12.7% Value Added Tax. Make use of this concession. 1) Buy from stores with the tax free sign. 2)Ask in the store for a Tax Free Cheque. 3) Have the Cheque stamped by German customs when leaving Germany. If you leave Germany for another EU country before returning home you should ask for a customs stamp at the point where you finally quit the EU internal market. 4) Hand the Cheque in and collect straight cash at more than 700 payment points in Europe. Tax Free Shopping - it%26#39;s that easy.

Further, it states: Cash Refund Office in:

Terminal 1, Hall A, B, C, C23

Departures Terminal 2

between Hall D and E

Unfortunately, they have never republshed this free booklet. Although only 64 pages, it was jam-packed with useful information for both tourists and residents of Stuttgart, better than guides you pay for. By the way, Metzingen (35 km south of Stuttgart), a town of 22,000 people, has the most factory outlets of anywhere in Germany. Stuttgart itself is a good place to shop with Germany%26#39;s second largest department store and a large pedestrianised area. During the Christmas Market thousands of Swiss come each day by special busses, not only for it, but also the cheaper shopping.


I see that I neglected to say that the places of the cash back offices mentioned are in the Frankfurt Airport (just in case you thought it might refer to the Stuuttgart Airport).


By the way - this information exists on the Frankfurt Airport website:…


Thank you “abalada”

The responce from my second E-mail was:

“We have offices in

Terminal 1 Hall A ( level 3 behind passport control - left)open from 08.00a.m to 2.30 p.m

Terminal 1 Hall B landside ( Counter 643 departure hall B ) from 06.30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

Terminal 1 Hall B airside ( level 2 behind passport control- left ) 07.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.

In Teminal 2 ( D / E ) Level 3 behind the passport control ( make a u- turn to the left ) D/E open from 8.00a.m. to 10.00p.m.


E. Günther


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