Wednesday, April 25, 2012

berlin zoo


im going to berlin in feb and i was wondering wther the zoo is open at that time of year?

im only going to see a giant panda as iv heard berlin zoo are one of the fortunate places that have one.

also were about is it? how do i get there?

im staying at park blub hotel.

any suggestions would be hugely appriciated.



Zoo is the short form of %26quot;Zoologischer Garten%26quot;.

The zoo is next to the railway station %26quot;Zoologischer Garten%26quot; - one of the main railway stations in Berlin (for now*) ).…

*) end of May 2006 Berlin will get a new single main railway station.


The Zoo is open all year round.


I hope you are lucky, we went to see the panda in July and only saw the backside of sleeping panda. The polar bear enclosure was nice and they should be a bit more lively in the cold !

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