I was searching for the outlet stores and I found out%26#39;%26#39;Damen- und Herrenmoden Direktverkauf %26#39;%26#39; ?
Anyone has been here ? Does it worth to visit ? How can I reach it by public transport ?
Many thanks,
%26quot;Damen- und Herrenmoden Direktverkauf%26quot; is just a more detailled description of an %26quot;outlet store%26quot;. Not the name of a store.
Fabrikverkauf/Werksverkauf = factory outlet (which really means that a factory is there)
Lagerverkauf ~ distributors/warehouse outlet
Direktverkauf ~ outlet owned by the manufacturer
Damenmode = women%26#39;s fashion
Herrenmode = men%26#39;s fashion
The ultimate place for such outlets is Metzingen, a town near Stuttgart.
Hourly RE trains connections from Stuttgart (dep. :22) which need 42 minutes to Metzingen.
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